You are invited to take part in an afternoon, where we will discuss how organizations can boost their resilience in an increasingly diversified environment of uncertainty, risk and misinformation as well as a rise in well-being and people resilience challenges facing employees in the modern workplace. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from industry experts and gain valuable insights into the power of shaping a resilient organization.

Gain insights from

  • Peter Lund Madsen - Discover the fascinating connection between the brain, mental health, and job satisfaction. Peter will share his expertise and provide insights on the importance of happiness at work.
  • Maria Fjeldstad - How to build resilience in a world misinformation and disinformation.
  • Kai Anderson - Learn how leadership together with HR can cultivate people and organizational resilience.
  • Dorothee Gnaedinger - Explore how to build resilience at an individual level. Dorothee will share how resilience is key to personal growth and a successful career.

You'll have the opportunity to actively participate and engage in meaningful discussions during our break-out sessions and gain valuable insights from peers.


This event is intended for C-suite, Directors, VPs and Senior Managers


May 29, 2024
14:00 - 17:00 hours


Djøf Roof Top Venue:
Floor 6, Nørre Voldgade 106, 1358 København K
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