Join this in person event and get insights form the latest Denmark Mercer Executive Remuneration Guide study, and the opportunity to network with your peers.

We invite you to take part in our Denmark MERG event on Thursday, 2 November 2023 at Admiral Hotel, Toldbodgade 24-28, Copenhagen K. We will serve a light breakfast at 08:80 and end with a lunch and networking. The program starts at 9:00 a.m.

In preparation, we ask a small favor to complete a quick 3-question multiple choice pulse survey. If you have significant US operations, we are curious on Long Term Incentive programs and differences in Europe vs. US levels.

We will present the findings at the MERG event along with insights from this year’s survey findings. Peter Boreham, UK & European Practice Leader (Executive Reward) will present regional and global trends in executive pay, and our Pay Equity Leader for Europe & UK Lea Lønsted will present on Equity and transparency.

We hope you will join us for this in person MERG event. We will end the session with a lunch and networking.


  • Intro + general updates on Danish MERG
  • Panel discussion on US Exec remuneration
  • European/Nordic Trends
  • Pay Transparency beyond Legislation

General Information


2 November
9:00 - 12:30
(breakfast at 8:30 a.m. & ending with lunch)


Admiral Hotel, Toldbodgade 24-28, Copenhagen K.

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