Portfolio management services for a new era

Mercer’s forward-thinking investment advisory services provide clarity and action-oriented change for Sovereign Wealth Funds, corporate holdings and family offices across the Middle East.

Mercer seeks to bring clarity and actionable change for Sovereign Wealth Funds, corporate holdings and family offices in the Middle East.

We bring clarity to your investment portfolio

We bring clarity to your investment portfolio

Rapid change is dominating business discussions in most parts of the world, and the Middle East is no exception. It started with low oil prices, then introduction of the VAT, followed by COVID-19, and now inflationary pressures. While these changes have no doubt impacted the portfolio of investors, investor optimism remains high as new investment opportunities rise to the surface.

The question everyone is asking is, how to protect asset value, preserve purchasing power, and ensure portfolio growth over the long term?Rapid change is dominating business discussions in most parts of the world, and the Middle East is no exception. It started with low oil prices, then introduction of the VAT, followed by COVID-19, and now inflationary pressures. While these changes have no doubt impacted the portfolio of investors, investor optimism remains high as new investment opportunities rise to the surface.  The question everyone is asking is, how to protect asset value, preserve purchasing power, and ensure portfolio growth over the long term?

Doesn’t matter whether the investment portfolio is for a Sovereign Wealth Fund, Supranational, a corporate or group holdings or a family office, what everyone needs is greater clarity on investment opportunities and decisive action.

  • Sovereign Wealth Funds and Supra Nationa...

    Goal: To achieve financial and investment discipline in the face of volatility

    • Protect value and mitigate investment risks
    • Capture revenue opportunities by defining portfolio priorities
    • Improve capital budgeting by providing clarity on funding costs
    • Identify areas to save costs and improve returns
  • Corporate holdings and groups

    Goal: To accelerate transformation of direct investment portfolios

    • Initiate and track critical high-impact initiatives
    • Enhance decision-making and corporate governance 
    • Run Project Management Offices to ease implementation/delivery
    • Run cash flow analysis to ensure proper liquidity and sustainable growth
  • Family office holdings

    Goal: To establish structured processes for better investment outcomes

    • Create frameworks for improved stakeholder communication
    • Ensure consistency and clarity with best practice documentation
    • Share intellectual capital to assist in skills transfer within the team
    • Clearly define risk framework and debt allocation policies

Five services, one goal: accelerate asset performance

Mercer’s goal is to help you craft a high-yield portfolio strategy. Our portfolio transformation professionals are equipped with the latest knowledge on governance and bring a powerful blend of private equity and investment consulting skills to the table.

Portfolio management services you can rely on

As new investment risks are emerging, our portfolio management services are specifically designed to help sovereign wealth funds, corporate holdings, and family offices make quick decisions so they can achieve more sustainable portfolio growth.

Mercer’s proven investment advisory operating models ensure we work shoulder-to-shoulder with sovereign wealth funds, and directly with the Head of Investments for corporate holdings and family offices.  This enables clarity and transparency and therefore quicker decisions and faster impact.

Disclaimer: This marketing material is distributed by Mercer Financial Services Middle East Limited (‘MFSMEL’), which is regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (“DFSA”).  The financial products or services to which this material relates will only be made available to Professional Clients or Market Counterparties, as defined by the DFSA, and no other Person should act upon it.

Successful portfolio transformation starts with Mercer

Mercer’s investment portfolio advisors are ready to provide you with the clear action you need to tackle emerging challenges in the investment landscape, today and tomorrow.
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