Advance your organisational capability with experiential learning

Build skills across your organisation, and develop future-of-work capabilities. Mercer Learning‘s specialised workshops and courses optimise your HR strategies and workforce effectiveness, and we can also customise programs to suit your needs.

HR training to create effective teams and unlock human potential

The HR function is heading for a transformation.

Mercer's 2024 Global Talent Trends study revealed that only 1 in 4 executives are confident in their organisation's ability to meet customer demand with its current talent model. This is not surprising, considering that many of the HR models in use today were conceived over 30 years ago. It is clear that the HR ecosystem needs to evolve and the study shows that almost every organisation is currently planning changes to their HR function, which executives have rated as the least agile part of their businesses.

We can help you identify skills gaps in your HR teams so you can develop a HR function that can better adapt to change, drive innovation, and achieve long-term success.

Future-proofing your HR team: Upskilling/reskilling with Mercer Learning

We tailor group workshops or blended programs that drive culture change and individual performance. Our programs help your people develop practical skills, understand methodologies and ask the right questions to customise solutions for specific roles. Plus, delivery is fully flexible — we offer HR training in person or online through interactive virtual classes.

Mercer Learning offers HR training and professional development workshops covering:

  • Rewards
  • Mobility
  • Talent management
  • Leadership
  • Communication
  • Change management
  • Talent acquisition
  • Team development
  • Learning agility
  • … and more

Need a customised learning journey?

Your organisation is unique, so the Mercer Learning approach starts with listening to you and incorporating your company culture, language, stories and context. Our global research, proven methodologies and practical client experience power our design and delivery approach.

By combining Mercer subject matter expertise with Mercer Intellectual Capital and our own Instructional Design content creation capability, we can build truly unique programs that address some of our clients' most relevant challenges.

Our skilled team collaborates with you to create bespoke learning pathways that can incorporate e-learning and online pre-work, allowing your team to build their knowledge before coming together for group discussions.

Upskilling and reskilling are essential for the future of work. Many of the skills your employees have today will need a refresh or become redundant.
Ian Doran

Account Manager, Pacific

HR specialist workshops

Using data to drive longer-term workforce planning

To meet changing market needs, be nimble and stay competitive, you need a well-crafted organisation structure. What skills and talent structures do you need to tap into new opportunities? Learn to design an effective structure that helps your business model adapt to a dynamic world.

Good HR and corporate management teams recognise the value of workforce metrics and analytics, but many struggle with developing a plan and a measure of growth specific to their business priorities. How can you identify if talent is working in the best role and location? Learn and apply best practice in the design of your HR metrics.

Employees often face competing priorities, and time and effort are their most critical resources. Learn how to build credibility and form trusting relationships by identifying your key stakeholders and employing different communication styles.

Realising your bottom line and achieving sustainable results is so much easier when the HR team effectively supports business leaders. Learn to add value by clarifying the roles of HR business partners, experts and service professionals.

Make your talent search a seamless recruitment experience. This contemporary recruitment workshop takes you through the end-to-end search process, including best-practice market scanning and tools to transform how you recruit talent.

Rewards workshops

Understanding the latest workforce trends to make remuneration decisions

Getting started in rewards? Learn the basics of remuneration and benefits, including how to develop reward programs and manage them with impact. This foundational workshop outlines the guiding principles for organisations to develop effective reward strategies.

What attracts key talent to your organisation? With relevant trends and data insights, you can navigate the different reward strategies and benefits combinations. Learn how to develop practical reward strategies aligned with your business goals.

Turning performance data into meaningful information is critical to effective business decisions. Excel can be a powerful tool for segmenting data, performing calculations and extracting insights to spot opportunities. This workshop will equip you with the skills you need to perform best-practice remuneration reviews in Excel.

Gain the skills to manage compensation, the confidence to speak with authority and the designation that shows current and future employers you are committed to operating with high professional standards — by earning the WorldatWork® Global Remuneration Professional (GRP®) certification. Learn more.

Learn how to effectively navigate the complexities of global compensation with the live, virtual Global Compensation Immersion Program.

This comprehensive program provides participants with a solid foundation in the key factors that influence remuneration, including rewarding multinational workforces and global assignees, documenting and evaluating jobs for global alignment, and applying a global perspective to salary structures, base pay administration, pay for performance, and variable pay. Learn more.

Leadership and change workshops

Preparing leaders to create a thriving, agile workforce

Disruption is inevitable, but change presents new opportunities. How can you respond to the change outside your control and then adapt and thrive? Discover what real leadership means during disruption. Increase your resilience and agility with practical tools and frameworks.

Change happens — it’s how we get better. Leaders who are prepared to absorb disruption and transform their teams quickly truly know their people and understand the fluidity of change. Contemporary change education shows you how to empower your people to thrive during challenging times. We start with your situation, listen to the challenges of your organisation and identify its opportunities.

Everyone has a unique thinking style. People assess information differently with varying cues from stats, imagery and language. Learn to tap into the thinking styles of your team to communicate more effectively. Understand the differences between strategic, structural, analytical and emotional thinking through the Thinking Styles™ assessment tool and its broader context of change, including why, how, who and what is involved.

Every member of your team brings something to the table, and the strongest teams have a diverse collection of skills. Using the Clifton StrengthsFinder® tool, this workshop lets you explore how individuals can tap into their talents to achieve their performance objectives and contribute to wider team success. This process-driven model will help you and your team harness your skills for greater productivity and engagement.
We help you develop your people to drive organisational capability for today and tomorrow.
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