Talent assessments to strengthen your organisational capability

Get a clear picture of the talent you already have, and identify the best external candidates for your key roles to ensure you have the talent capability to achieve your business goals.

Capability assessments for leadership development, talent acquisition and succession

If your organisation is going to execute its business strategy successfully over the next three to five years, you must have the right talent and capability locked down. But what do “talent” and “leadership” mean for your organisation, across all levels of leadership? And can you effectively assess, maintain and build these capabilities?

Establishing a robust view of and process around talent and leadership assessment is critical to guide your talent acquisition, capability development, and succession plans. Let us help your organisation ensure you have the required talent capability to achieve your business goals.

Future-proof your business with effective talent assessment

Mercer brings data-driven talent insights to the table to help you make informed decisions about your workforce capabilities. We design and execute talent assessments across the talent cycle — from sourcing talent to leadership succession, board and executive readiness, and talent development.

Mercer’s key differentiators

You need a partner with expertise in solving complex issues

Our advisors work with organisations across the region and worldwide to design and plan workforces that are agile and ready for change. Partner with us to develop your workforce by leveraging our deep human capital expertise, global insights and world-class capabilities across all lines of business.

Workforce capabilities and skills

Understand the capabilities and skills your workforce needs. By defining what “great” looks like, we help you develop clear leadership narratives that focus your leaders on what is most important to your organisation. Through competency frameworks, we unearth the skills, attributes and behaviours that will enable your people to thrive.

Talent assessment

We help you implement a validated, best-practice talent-assessment methodology so that your organisation has the best available talent in place to meet your strategic objectives. We can help to ensure your organisation is best positioned to identify and develop your rising stars and manage succession more proactively.

How Mercer Evolve can help

Talent assessment for succession and leadership development
In today’s business landscape, boards and CEOs are asking three key questions:
  1. Who are the organisation’s successors?
  2. How do we know?
  3. How do we close our succession gaps?
The Mercer Evolve team can help you answer these questions and exceed talent-assessment expectations.

Mercer has developed a validated, best-practice leadership succession-readiness assessment that can be applied to both benchmarking and profiling internal and external talent.

Our methodology ensures that your organization has the best available talent in place to meet your strategic objectives and that you are best positioned to identify, develop, and retain talent and manage succession more proactively.

Mercer Evolve helps you achieve the following high-level outcomes:

  • Insights into your leadership bench strength and the succession readiness of internal talent
  • Detailed internal succession plans for each critical role, protecting business continuity
  • Tailored reporting for key stakeholders, such as the board and executive leadership team
  • Deep insights into available external top talent and the ability to top grade (through targeted talent acquisition) on an opportunistic basis, if you have an internal succession gap
Mercer Evolve helps your team assess candidates for role readiness. Readiness assessment centre solutions are the most reliable method of assessing a leader or candidate when making decisions on succession, promotion and leadership development.

Mercer Evolve helps your organisation:

  • Clearly identify succession risk gaps
  • Build accelerated capability-development plans to ready leaders who have the potential, capacity and aspiration to progress to the challenges of the next role
  • Gather talent intelligence and produce deep insights into available external top talent, giving you the ability to top grade (through targeted talent acquisition) to close internal gaps

Talent assessment for M&A

If you are going through an M&A, Mercer Evolve provides an independent, objective analysis of talent, benchmarked against each available position.

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