Insights, ideas and strategies to help you evolve your investment portfolios
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Investment trendsAccess data to help you monitor general pricing trends of pension bulk annuity transactions in the US, UK, Ireland, Canada, and Germany.
Portfolio strategies
Considerations for growing family wealth across generations
By: Steven Keshishoghli, CFA Chartered FCSI, Senior ResearcherMulti-generational investment governance and investing in private markets are key considerations for family offices aiming to preserve and grow wealth. -
Portfolio strategies
Strategic asset allocation for wealth managers
How wealth managers can maintain edge with private markets. -
Investment trends
Single-family offices 2025 outlook
Explore the trends and potential investment opportunities playing out across single family office portfolios. -
Investment trends
Economic and Market Outlook 2025
Investors face a winding and potentially challenging path through rate cuts and market shifts in 2025. This paper spotlights key opportunities and risks to consider. -
Portfolio strategies
Stronger together: completing the acquisition of Cardano
Announcing the completion of the acquisition of Cardano -
Investment trends
Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index 2024
We benchmark 48 retirement income systems around the world, highlighting challenges and opportunities within each.
Related solutions
Portfolio strategies
Investment philosophy
Our investment approach is governed by a set of guiding principles across governance, risks and value - with our clients' objectives at the core. -
Alternative investments
Investing in hedge funds
We offer wide-ranging expertise in hedge fund investments, providing tailored solutions to help investors identify and access attractive hedge fund opportunities. -
Alternative investments
Investing in private markets
We offer research, advice and implementation solutions in private markets, spanning private equity, private debt and real assets.
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