Diversity, equity and inclusion: A foundation for economic success and a more inclusive world 

Successful businesspeople smiling happily during a meeting in a creative office. Group of cheerful business professionals working as a team in a multicultural workplace.

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is top-of-mind for organizations across the globe that have come to recognize that an impactful DEI strategy is more than a differentiator — it’s foundational to growth and success.

In this new podcast, presented by Mercer Germany, we provide insights and addresses top-of-mind questions:

  • What is DEI and how does it vary from country to country?
  • What are the biggest challenges and priorities for firms?
  • What are some best-in-class examples we can look up to?
  • What practical steps can organizations and individuals take to improve DEI?

Interesting moments from the interview:


    "Often, for true success, we need the business to own [DEI], not just HR. The second challenge – or perhaps area that doesn't necessarily lead to true success – is that organizations tend to focus on attraction, only bringing in that diversity into the firm, as opposed to actually thinking about promotion and retention, and culture and equity. True success is becoming a little bit more holistic in our approaches. I truly believe it is important to be intentional in the initiatives an organization puts forward, but also be evidence-based and having a data-led DEI strategy."



    "What I'm seeing as priorities, not just from research but also from our clients, is a real need to go beyond gender. 48% of organizations are indeed taking action to ensure the workforce profile reflects the markets that they are operating in…There is a real need to be thinking about the value proposition an organization is providing to employees and making it as inclusive as possible – ensuring that there's pay and career equity. Priority number two is caring about the moments that matter, building on that inclusive value proposition…For example, having inclusive benefits for everybody."



    "90% of organizations are looking to maximize workforce energy by really focusing on that culture piece. One of the things from DEI perspective I believe is super important in culture is to focus on capabilities, particularly starting from the top. We are seeing a lot of organizations work on inclusive leadership journeys, not just one off programs, but holistic, year-long events to truly embed the right behaviours and learnings… There is huge amount of impact when leaders speak authentically about both where their company is and what they are doing about it."



    "Three key takeaways from our conversation: 1. Use a data-driven approach. We all have biases and myths. Data busts those myths and really helps us prioritize the areas that are truly most impactful. 2. Create a long-term strategy that is aligned to the business strategy, based on that data that you have just looked at. We won't change anything with those one-off, ad-hoc initiatives. 3. Change does begin with each of us. So whatever your role is, you have a part to play to stand up for yourself and for others. So do go ahead and make that difference."


Listen to the podcast on Apple or Spotify