2022 Global not-for-profit investment survey 

A group of people is sitting at a table during a business meeting in a bright, modern office. The team is talking business while pie charts can be seen hanging on the wall. Big bright windows are seen in the background.
July 1, 2022

What’s on the minds of not-for-profit investors in what could be one of the most challenging market environments for many years?

That’s exactly what our Global Not-for-Profit Investment Survey set out to determine, and you can now analyse its findings in the report. We canvassed the opinions and intentions of not-for-profit investors from around the world on a range of subjects, including their confidence in meeting their investment objectives, investing in private markets, sustainability and the need to outsource some of their responsibilities to external experts. As well as reporting on the results, we set out a range of possible action points for not for profits looking to maximise their chances of achieving their various aims.

What not-for-profit investors are telling us


of survey participants say low expected future returns are their number one challenge over the next three years


of respondents see diversifying away from traditional asset classes as their greatest opportunity over the next three years.


of survey participants say they're using external expertise to help navigate this complexity 


of survey participants believe meeting their ESG investing goals means compromising on returns.

Actions not-for-profit investors can take