If you could talk to your pension, what would you ask it?

We are excited to announce an upcoming event focused on the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

What to expect:

  • We’re going to show you how we’ve already built a language model prototype and where we think this will take our industry over the next decade.
  • A panel of industry experts to discuss and test the themes of the day. 
  • A special guest speaker – who will provide their view on the growth of AI capabilities in all walks of life. We’ll share the name of the speaker in a future update.

We know from experience that the more personalised the experience, the better engagement we have with our pension scheme members. AI language models are the key to personalisation. In the right hands, these language models can transform the way people interact with, and plan for their future. It can turn data into insight, information into education. It can meet people where they are, at a time they need it and converse in a voice that resonates and is relevant.

The arrival of AI in pensions engagement tools is inevitable, so what will it look like, how will it shape outcomes and what pitfalls lie in its way? Register to join us on the day by using the link below:

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