Our DC Consultants put your scheme's members first

Combining smart investment strategies, clear communication and strong governance, our DC consultants work to enhance outcomes for your members, manage risk and build members’ confidence in their defined contribution pension scheme.

Our DC consultants help make the most of members’ hard-earned money

For defined contribution scheme members their workplace pension is likely to be their biggest asset. Mercer's DC consultants help you enhance outcomes for your members through a strategy that brings together:


Constructing smart investment strategies using multi-asset portfolios to help ensure members have the right amount of assets at retirement.


Increasing member engagement with their pension through communication, using easy-to-understand language and delivering relevant material to members through multiple channels.


Providing strong governance, including looking at structural design options that can improve member outcomes and protecting members against market changes.
By deploying these services we can help enhance member outcomes, manage risk and build members’ confidence in their pension scheme.

How Mercer’s DC consultants use their skills to help your members

Changes to the DC landscape are being driven by a number of factors including regulation, climate and markets. Mercer’s DC consulting team will allow you to benefit from these shifts and respond dynamically. Your DC advisor will promptly assimilate changing situations and circumstances and will help you not just cope, but flourish in this dynamic environment.
For most defined contribution scheme members their workplace pension is their biggest retirement asset. Our DC consultants help you enhance outcomes for your members through a strategy that brings together investment, communication and governance.
Gail Philippart

UK DC Consulting Leader

Key considerations for defined contribution schemes

The landscape for DC schemes has changed radically over the past few years. Regulatory and governance requirements have increased and the pressure has intensified for schemes to provide clear communication and support so that members have a good outcome in retirement.

Here are some important considerations to get you started on the path to improving your DC pension scheme.

  • When was the last time you reviewed your scheme’s governance, investment providers and member services?
  • Have you kept up to date with changes in legislation and regulation and the increased number of options available for members and sponsors?
  • Are you prepared for further regulatory and governance requirements coming down the track – for example on climate change?
  • How confident are you that your members will have enough money for a comfortable retirement. How much information do you have?
  • At a time of financial stress for many people, are you providing the right support and communication to your scheme’s members?
  • Can your advisors help you with all these matters in a joined-up way, drawing on the right experience at the right time to strengthen governance and build confidence in your scheme?

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