A dynamic rewards program that drives motivation and engagement

The world’s most successful organisations are those that have an effective incentive plan in place. Does your organisation have an incentive plan in place to drive employee behaviour? Mercer is a global thought leader in both performance management practices and trends.

Workforce reward consulting: what we offer

Mercer has developed a range of solutions that can bring structure, drive consistent decision making and address the most common HR reward challenge.

Our packaged workforce reward consulting solutions are built on Mercer’s HR consulting heritage, delivering best practice design combined with practical tools. Our solutions establish the foundations for more effective HR and reward management in those areas of highest focus, including grading and pay management, sales compensation, company cars, gender pay reporting and equal pay.

Why pay matters

The desire for pay fairness continues to dominate global headlines as industry leaders, politicians and investors carry this agenda forward. Mercer’s global review process, supported by our Pay Equity Calculator™, helps you review pay equity across your global workforce. Our proprietary job evaluation methodology gives you an objective measure of job value, while our approach to career frameworks helps you establish job families and universal career levels that align with your pay programme to deliver pay equitably and consistently.

Workforce reward consulting – Professionals Compensation Planning

Your one-stop place to gather information for all your HR professional needs.

Each solution in Mercer’s Packaged Workforce Reward Consulting Solutions portfolio delivers a package of pre-defined deliverables relevant to the reward policy area, using a set project methodology and approach. As a result, we can deliver the solutions you require at a lower fixed cost, in comparison to a delivery through a fully customised consulting approach.

Our approach to workforce rewards planning

Each solution in our Packaged Workforce Reward Consulting Solutions portfolio delivers a package of pre-defined deliverables relevant to the reward policy area, using a set project methodology and approach. As a result we are able to deliver the solutions you require at a lower fixed cost, in comparison to a delivery through a fully customised consulting approach.

Our Packaged Workforce Reward Consulting Solutions are specifically tailored towards small to mid-sized organisations establishing common policy frameworks for the first time or larger organisations with small but expanding employee groups with specific policy needs (for example, small sales teams or for emerging expat populations). If you require support in the context of a larger organisation, please contact us to discuss how we can support you using the form below.