Adeline Tan

As one of the many women in senior leadership positions at Mercer, Adeline Tan brings an empathetic touch to the world of pensions and investments in her role with the Wealth Team of Hong Kong. Having built a cross-continental career, from UK markets to Hong Kong shores, she left the UK after 12 years in consulting to lead the investment advisory team at Mercer in Hong Kong. In the three years since leading the wealth team it has grown to be recognized as the leading wealth advisory firm in the country. Since then, she combined the energies of the investment advisory and retirement consulting team under the Wealth umbrella, and she is currently focused on growing the proposition into a leading voice in the market.
Having faced differences in culture, practices, scale and the price of real estate, she now leads a team of analytical minds to interrogate financial data to create value for clients. Adeline makes the most of her education and experience to guide her team by studying the small details, so they can reveal the full story that the data represents to their clients. They turn numbers into meaning to support clients in managing their wealth goals. For example, her team is currently working on ESG (environmental, social and governmental) factors around climate change: mining the wealth of data at their disposal and considering mitigating factors, and then exploring how these insights can add value to their clients’ businesses.
At Mercer she thrives on seeing the bigger picture, yet drives her team to understand the critical nature of the little details that can turn something on its head. She believes that paying attention to the little things can bring more benefits in terms of saving time, effort and even dollars, than purely looking at big things and has brought this perspective to Mercer’s work with clients.
But it is her attitude to life that shines through in what she does, because she believes that it is only by focusing on what we can do, rather than what we can’t do, that we are able to move people to make a difference in the world.
I’m passionate about helping people generate wealth and have the resources to spend and invest it wisely for the next generation.