Institutional-quality investment fund ratings for investors
Mercer FundWatch™ (MFW) is a digital delivery platform of investment ratings services. We provide institutional-quality qualitative research and ratings on funds.
We help individual investors and financial advisors make smarter, more informed decisions on which investment funds to select in their pursuit of alpha.
The service – available to individual investors and financial advisors – is backed by Mercer’s global investment research, the same high-quality analysis that institutional investors have utilized for decades.
MFW provides investors with unbiased and reliable information, helping them make smarter investment decisions, faster.
Our investment expertise is backed by our depth in global investment research. That same qualitative research drives Mercer FundWatch.
We are dedicated to informing investors, who are increasingly sophisticated and assertive when making investment choices.
MFW's investment fund ratings are already used by a growing numbers of fund distributors, individual investors, and financial advisors. The service is free to end users, help making more knowledgeable investment decisions.
*2021 Outsourced CIO Survey.How Mercer FundWatch helps investors achieve better outcomes
Idea GenerationHow are ideas born?
Portfolio ConstructionHow are these ideas put together?
ImplementationIs the infrastructure optimised?
Business Managementdo we see issues at the firm?
FeesIs the price worth paying?
Through MFW, our research team scores their view of the Fund’s prospects from 1 (low) to 5 (high) stars. As Environmental Social Governance (ESG) factors are increasingly important, a separate rating on the integration of ESG factors within the investment process is also provided as a score from 1 (high) to 4 (low).
Private banks, family offices, wealth managers, individual investors, and financial advisers can access Mercer FundWatch ratings when making investment fund selection decisions.
We believes the probability of identifying alpha is enhanced by using a manager research process that is research driven, repeatable, evidence based and flexible.
Each rating takes a team of researchers and analysts to generate, producing sophisticated analysis that is presented in a quick and easily accessible format.
Join the fund managers already using our investment rating
Mercer FundWatch is growing and Mercer intends to launch into new markets across the Asia Pacific. We have published over hundreds of investment ratings across Traditional Active, Multi-Asset, Passive, and Alternatives asset classes.
A steadily growing number of wealth management and funds distribution platforms are using MFW’s investment rating services.
Mercer Investment fund research is growing fast
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Global Investment Forum Asia 2025: Singapore
Join us in Singapore 28-29 April for the latest investment themes and opportunities with asset owners, asset managers and thought leaders.
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We can help you analyse your investment risk framework and portfolio performance to help you understand your portfolio's potential to adapt to market challenges. -
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We can help you build a robust, efficient and effective governance and due diligence frameworks that are designed to position portfolios for resilience and success. -
Global Investment Forum Asia 2025: Singapore
Join us in Singapore 28-29 April for the latest investment themes and opportunities with asset owners, asset managers and thought leaders.