IORP II obligations and key function holder

18 January 2023
The new IORP II legislation
In April 2021, the Minister for Social Protection signed new legislation which officially transposed the Second European Pensions Directive (known as IORP II) into national law.
The Pensions Authority have now published the final version of a comprehensive new Code of Practice which sets out how they expect trustees to go about meeting these new obligations.
This new regulatory regime presents a number of challenges for employers and trustees, and introduces a range of processes and requirements that will need to be addressed.
The Pensions Authority will also have a broadened range of new supervisory powers to ensure that this is happening.
Is your scheme IORP II compliant?
What are the steps you need to take to ensure your scheme is meeting all IORP II requirements?
EU’s IORP II Directive aims to improve governance and risk management systems across all pension schemes. In particular, it requires that trustees must now:
IORP II is about building on the existing risk management systems that trustees already have in place but within a more formal risk management governance structure.
The risk management KFH is responsible for the scheme’s risk management function and advises the trustees on their risk management strategy, working with them to ensure it is executed effectively.
What are the components of an IORP II compliant risk management system?
Assisted by our designated IORP II and risk management teams, Mercer are subject matter experts and we are already helping hundreds of schemes meet the new IORP II requirements
Head of Strategy & Policy, Mercer Ireland
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