Investing in hedge funds
Building robust hedge fund portfolios
Hedge funds could offer several attractive benefits for an investor’s portfolio, from attractive risk-adjusted returns to diversification benefits, access to alternative investment strategies and the potential to generate positive returns across market conditions. Hedge funds can offer investors the opportunity to access unique, unconstrained investment strategies that pursue risk and reward holistically. They typically have a broader mandate than traditional investment managers, allowing them to pursue returns in a dynamic and opportunistic way.
Hedge funds encompass a diverse range of investment strategies that offer exposure to non-traditional risks. These strategies include long/short equity, relative value, global macro, and event-driven amongst others. Each strategy has its own unique investment approach, providing investors with opportunities to access different types of risk in the market. Asset managers utilise various tactics, such as short selling, utilising leverage, and trading derivatives, to hedge certain risks and isolate others. Managers have different areas of focus, levels of exposure, and holding periods.
As a highly skill- and execution-dependent asset class, manager selection is critical in hedge funds. Implemented correctly, it can offer an attractive risk-reward with meaningful downside protection. We believe an optimum alternatives allocation should include a long-term strategic allocation to unconstrained hedge funds that is matched to your organisation’s needs and objectives. Mercer offers hedge funds as ‘diversifying alternatives’, a term we believe encapsulates what these kinds of funds are designed to add − an important element of diversification to your portfolio through a variety of different strategies. Essentially, hedge funds may give you a risk-controlled exposure to non-traditional sources of return.
What are the potential benefits of hedge funds?
- 1 Non-traditional returns
- 2 Asymmetry or convexity
- 3 Diversifying risks
What are some common hedge funds trading tactics?
Hedge funds: The comeback kid?
How does Mercer support clients when investing in hedge funds?
Sourcing asset managers
We run a deep and disciplined research process to source high quality established names and favourable new launches. We consider those who offer breadth and depth in insights, a disciplined research process, integrated sustainability considerations and established value-add.
Find attractive opportunities
Leveraging our established relationships with asset managers globally, we help clients identify and access quality, capacity constrained managers that are typically unavailable to new investors.
Negotiating underlying fees
Our global scale allows us to negotiate advantageous fee reductions and other benefits, passing all fee discounts through to investors.1
Hedge fund portfolio construction: considerations (and pitfalls)
Investment solutions to suit your needs
Implementation and Investment Solutions
We can help you define, develop and implement your investment strategy by addressing areas such as governance, risk, sustainability and diversification. We flex our services to suit your needs and help you achieve your investment goals. -
Sustainable investments
We help you build a sustainable investment strategy that integrates environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations; diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) factors and seeks an optimal mix between positive change and favourable returns. -
Alternative investments
Leveraging our existing relationships with hundreds of asset managers around the world, we can help you identify and source new investment strategies, opportunities, ideas and innovations across private markets and hedge funds. -
Strategic research
Become a member of the MercerInsight® Community today to get access to strategic research from hundreds of thought leaders around the world, including Mercer and third-party publishers. It’s complimentary and easy to join. -
Asset manager research
By subscribing to MercerInsight®, an alliance with eVestment, you can gain access to data, analytics and our forward-looking research on asset managers and thousands of investment strategies across both public and private markets. -
Managing investment risk
Our Mercer Sentinel team can help you conduct due diligence and mitigate operational risks across your portfolios and strategies. We assess asset managers, custodians and other service providers to help you deliver on your governance objectives.
Related solutions
We can help you identify a range of secondary investment opportunities through our existing relationships with asset managers and intermediaries around the world.
Real estate
We help source and select quality managers and real-estate investment strategies to meet your risk appetite and return target. -
Governance and due diligence
We can help you build a robust, efficient and effective governance and due diligence frameworks that are designed to position portfolios for resilience and success.
Related insights
Alternative investments
Outsourced CIO (OCIO)
Our investment solutions and OCIO services are designed to help you address risk and governance concerns, invest sustainably and diversify with alternatives. -
Risk management
We can help you analyse your investment risk framework and portfolio performance to help you understand your portfolio's potential to adapt to market challenges. -
Governance and due diligence
We can help you build a robust, efficient and effective governance and due diligence frameworks that are designed to position portfolios for resilience and success.