The new shape of work requires new approaches to benefits. 

Against a backdrop of inflation, recession and a tight labor market, organizations are reconsidering business and work models to find new ways to grow. They will have to get creative in the “war for skills” and assess whether their benefits are relevant to keep pace with the competition.

Building benefits strategies that work for everyone requires insight into the broad range of needs and preferences of different employee groups in your workforce. Establishing two-way communication is essential in determining what your employees want and need. Equally important is ensuring you have a clear picture of the rapidly changing benefits landscape. What’s out, what’s in, and what’s different? How are various industries shaping employee benefits? And what changes will the latest legislation bring?

At the 2023 Benefits Trends in APAC webinar, our experts draw insights from our latest Benefits Survey and other Mercer reports to share how HR can shape employee benefits that deliver on what matters to the workforce. Learn about the latest trends and insights in the employee benefits landscape in Asia-Pacific and discover actions you can take to rethink your benefits strategies.

Hear from our experts on:

  • Inflation, talent movement and other challenges affecting benefits in APAC, plus legislative changes to look out for
  • Understand distinctions of employee benefits across industries
  • How employees’ needs and wants are changing
  • What leaders should focus on when defining the future of benefits
  • How to build a benefits strategy that matters to employees for now and beyond 
  • Best practices and innovations 

And more!

Want to know more about the actions you can take to build a sustainable benefits strategy that deliver on what matters to the workforce? Reach out to us or to our speakers:

Hua Teck Tan
Regional Benefits Lead, Asia-Pacific 

Chu Ting Chan
Regional Benefits Consultant, Asia-Pacific 

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