Asset manager research and ratings

We provides access to our forward-looking research library, including ESG ratings and operational due-diligence reports, along with data and analytics on asset managers and thousands of strategies across public and private markets. Leverage these insights to monitor existing asset managers, or select new ones, from a list matching your criteria.

Asset manager research at your fingertips 

MercerInsight®, an alliance with eVestment, is a powerful digital platform that provides forward-looking research and ratings along with data and analytics on asset mangers and a wide range of asset classes across both public and private markets. 

You can access ESG ratings, investment and operational due diligence reports on thousands of strategies. You can monitor your existing portfolio, or select new managers from a pool of candidates based on your criteria.

The platform is designed to give you a trusted second opinion, based on the extensive research efforts of hundreds of our professionals around the world. Leverage our insights to fuel your investment strategy and make informed decisions.

How our platform could help guide your investment decisions

Learn how our client benefits from asset manager research 

Clients who benefit from our asset manager research platform

Access one of the largest institutional databases in the market


over 6700 managers*


35,000+ strategies*


over 200 researchers*


11,900+ ratings*

Access our insights on the eVestment platform

Are you an asset manager?
The MercerInsight®, an alliance with eVestment platform now includes Mercer universes, strategy ESG ratings, aggregated fees of thousands of our clients and Mercer market intelligence through Mercer Trends. Find out more about our package options to determine which level is right for you: essentials, enhanced, or premium.
Are you an asset manager?
Access the eVestment platform

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Contact us to discuss how the platform can help guide your decision-making. 
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*Mercer credentials as at 30 June 2022