Join us to the highly anticipated Mercer Marsh Benefits yearly signature HR forum, The Future of Employee Benefits – Empowering Your Workforce.

Immerse yourself in a gathering of industry leaders, experts, and forward-thinkers as we delve into the future of talent, health and wellness. Engage in thought-provoking discussions, gain valuable insights, and forge meaningful connections with like-minded professionals.

Event Details:

Date: 7 September 2023 (Thurs) 

Time: 8.30 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. 

Venue: E&O Hotel, Penang 

Agenda Highlights

  • The way forward in managing medical costs 
  • The future of healthcare in Malaysia
  • The way forward on employee experience – Creating a new competitive advantage in the world for talent
  • Reflecting on and reimagining the future workforce through rewards / talent assessment
  • Reshaping the culture and future of health and wellbeing in the workplace

Register Now

To secure your participation and block your calendar for this exclusive event, register now! Seats are limited, so do secure your spot promptly
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