The Transforming for the future podcast series features Mercer’s consultants who are helping organizations stay ahead of the curve by embracing transformation, exploring new ways of working and reinventing their employee experience. We’ll discuss the most pressing issues facing leaders today and how to shape the future of work so that your business and people thrive.

In this episode of Transforming for the Future, Mercer’s Kate Bravery interviews Kamal Ahluwalia, President of, to share his insights and experience with AI data technology and what leaders should know to ensure deal success.  Julie van Waveren, M&A Advisory Services Partner at Mercer also joins to share her perspective on how talent skillsets influence deal value.
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Interesting moments from the interview:

  • Addressing pre and post-close talent questions

    "Mercer powered by Talent insights is the first of its kind in the M&A space, providing data and deal implications to addressing pre and post-close talent questions."
  • A competitive job market

    "It's a competitive job market and we are trying to hire the same people. That's where the AI part comes in to understand who can actually do the job and grow into it in three to six months, and have something that's sustainable for the business."
  • Talent is becoming a critical deal driver

    "In a deal environment…talent is becoming a critical deal driver in acquiring niche, fast growing, competitive capabilities and skills. Understanding a companies and an individual’s capabilities gives a unique edge to making the deal successful."
  • Companies are transforming

    "Companies are transforming, acquiring and growing all at the same time. And the talent market is more competitive in terms of attracting, retaining and mostly engaging people. This has shifted the investor’s lens post close, to look not only at talent from a cost synergies standpoint but talent as driving revenue synergies."

More episodes in this series

  • Future of work

    Culture is integral to transformation

    July 21, 2022 | Episode 7 | 13:18
    In this episode, Mercer’s Global Energy Industry Leader, Milan Taylor, interviews Kai Anderson, Mercer’s International workforce & Organization Leader. They’ll be discussing the importance of culture when transforming within an organization.
  • Future of work

    M&A across the energy industry. How much do people & culture matter?

    April 14, 2022 | Episode 6 | 13:06
    What is fueling the volume of deals in the energy space, and who can energy companies deliver a successful deal? In this episode, Mercer’s Global Energy Leader, Milan Taylor, interviews John Koob, Mercer’s M&A Advisory consultant. Koob formal worked as a CHRO at an energy firm and has worked on a number of deals in the energy industry. John provides his unique perspective highlighting the key factors needed during an M&A and how culture plays a critical role.
  • Future of work

    Develop a pay for skills culture with data and AI

    March 08, 2022 | Episode 5 | 14:07
    This episode explores how to develop a pay for skills company culture by using data and AI to analyze talent skillsets. Kate Bravery, Global Advisory Solutions & Insights Leader at Mercer, interviews Sachit Kamat, Chief Product Officer of and Brian Fisher, Mercer’s Global Solutions Lead for Skills and Careers. They share their thoughts and experience about future-proofing your organization through utilizing pay for skills environment.

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