Transforming HR to deliver an exceptional hybrid experience 

Person standing and presenting in a small team meeting

The flexibility-resiliency paradox

Before the COVID-19 pandemic reset our expectations of and relationships with HR, Mercer’s research had identified that 83% of executives were looking to transform that typically administrative function into one that makes a genuine strategic impact on their organization. Pre-pandemic, 58% of companies were already transforming their organization to become more people centric and digital. Yet in comparison, just 4% of HR teams believed they delivered an exemplary employee experience. With that understanding, Mercer developed its HR Accelerator, an employee-centered and multidimensional approach to help companies create a more agile, efficient and strategic HR function. 

As we entered 2020 and the realities of the pandemic became clear, companies were forced to quickly adopt test-and-learn strategies to find new ways of working, collaborating and interacting. This period resulted in significant learning - for employers and employees - and further reinforced Mercer’s approach to building HR around employee experiences and business priorities.

Two years later, more than ever before, companies are reimagining ways to better compete in this uniquely complex and ever-changing environment. HR has an extraordinary opportunity to take the lead in transitioning from traditional management practices to agile leadership and establishing new ways of working to create resiliency for the organization and flexibility for the employee.

Download the full article to uncover how your organization can develop a successful hybrid work environment.

93% of organizations are planning or implementing changes to their HR function this year to boost its impact.
Mercer Global Talent Trends
The flexibility-resiliency paradox

New shape of work

Join us as we address the challenges and uncertainties created by COVID-19 and focus on transitioning to a more agile workforce for the future.