Employee benefits analytics

If you want to improve well-being, manage costs and retain employees, robust employee benefits analytics informs strategic thinking. Our market-leading approach features HR dashboards that harness your employee health and benefits data, so you can make data-driven decisions.

Employee benefits data analytics

Without good analytics it is impossible to tell if any changes made to your benefits programs are having a positive or negative impact on employees. It also denies the opportunity to understand the impact your changes have.

Employee benefits cost organizations a substantial amount, but are they valued by employees? Our employee benefits analytics tools help you optimize spend, with employee data reports to show what is and isn’t working.

Employee well-being and in particular mental health are huge areas of focus for employers. Analytics help you proactively impact employees’ health by understanding where improvements can be made, rather than waiting to make reactive changes.

With benchmarking tools to stay ahead in the market and functionality such as 'Future Trends' and ‘What-if' analytics, organizations have a view of the future, enabling strategic initiatives to be implemented and monitored. 

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Save time and prevent errors

Instead of manually compiling employee data reports, save time and avoid errors with automated employee health and benefits data collection. We integrate your HR, payroll, employee benefits data and more to give you total benefits oversight.
Midsection Of Businessman Holding Digital Tablet Discussing With Colleague At Desk In Office

Calculate return on benefit investment

Use employee benefits analytics to determine overall benefit cost and utilization, to calculate return on investment ,identify wasted spend, and drive efficiencies by harmonizing, and managing benefits collectively.
Businesswoman having lunch break in office sitting at desk

Reduce health costs

Identify trends to improve employee health and well-being, reduce sickness absence and keep health insurance claims down, minimizing direct health costs and the impact of employee ill-health.
Student learning how to do building work

Attract and retain talent

Using a combination of employee engagement data and other information, gain insights to boost recruitment and retention of the best talent.
Businessman giving presentation with colleagues

Support business goals

Use analytics to ensure your employee health and benefits efforts are supporting business goals, from driving cost efficiencies to mitigating health risks.

Employee benefits analytics FAQs

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