Collaborate with like-minded leaders about emerging healthcare trends

The Innovation Symposium is an opportunity to collaborate with industry leaders and Mercer experts on innovation in healthcare and emerging trends. You will have the chance to learn and contribute to your personal and professional growth while networking and connecting with peers from other organizations.

Why attend

As an attendee, you will be joined by industry experts who have a unique point of view on how employers and healthcare organizations can collaborate to improve healthcare delivery and outcomes. 

The symposium is designed to offer an intimate experience that fosters engagement and collaboration. Therefore, we ask you to please limit attendance to one contact per organization.


Mercer could not put on this event without the help of our sponsors: Centivo, Coupe Health, and Artemis. 


Pre-event: Monday, March 4

Evening welcome reception

Day 1: Tuesday, March 5 

8:00 am - 5:00 pm | Sessions (Breakfast and lunch provided)

More often than not, we try to avoid disruption within our health and benefits strategies – but is it time to embrace disruption as a catalyst for positive transformation within the health and benefits ecosystem? We’ll look at how embracing disruption within technology, data, and healthcare delivery itself may be the key to truly delivering on the healthcare goals we’ve been striving for.  

We want to hear from you! What is the most disruptive thing you have done to change your benefits? What is one thing you would like to do and what’s the roadblock? 

What does healthcare look like in 2035? What has changed and what won't unless we find ways to accelerate progress? Artemis shares their data-based predictions for the future and how various actions taken or not taken will impact the healthcare system in the long term. 

Hear Industry experts make their case for the models they think can fix our  approach to healthcare, why they are different and what employers need to do to prepare.

So far you’ve only heard from the experts, now Centivo, Coupe, and Mercer sit on a panel and answer your questions on all things alternative health plans. 

Time to put the future to the test. Share whether you are optimistic, pessimistic, or unsure about the future presented to you and place your bets (Vegas-style) on which benefits trends you think will be a reality in 2035.

6:30 pm | Mercer hosted on-site dinner @ Terranea Resort

White’s Point, Cocktail hour followed by seated dinner

Day 2: Wednesday, March 6

8:00 am - 1:00 pm | Sessions (Breakfast and lunch provided)

Hear from Mercer's pharmacy specialists on a new way you can contain drug costs without interrupting the member experience 

It’s time to put your bets to the test. You’ll be split into small groups and tasked with working backwards to identify the interim steps and strategies your organization would need to take if the future you bet on at the end of day one was to become true.

Work through problem solving exercises to determine how the future state is covered through your benefits plan, how employees and their families will be impacted, how care delivery will be impacted, key milestones leading up to 2035, and what resources your benefits team will need.


Terranea Resort

10 Terranea Way

Rancho Palos Verdes, California 90275

(about 45 minutes from LAX)

Venue website


If you have any questions or concerns with the conference, please contact Elizabeth Zech