
The stop loss market has become increasingly complicated and costly. This has resulted in increased risk for employers, which requires greater scrutiny and management of stop loss contracts and carriers.

Join our webinar as we explore key market drivers for stop loss claims:

  • Frequency and severity of $1M+ claims continues to rise
  • High-cost claims are being heavily impacted by specialty drugs
  • Gene and cell therapy treatments are rapidly emerging 
  • And much more…


Why attend

Our experts will help you understand why stop loss protection is needed now more than ever, how to protect yourself appropriately and risk management. This discussion will cover a range of frequently asked questions, such as:

  • What is stop loss and why do I need it?
  • What does the current stop loss marketplace look like?
  • How do I ensure I am appropriately protected?
  • What solutions are available to minimize my risk and maximize my savings?
  • Should I be considering a captive solution for stop loss?

Is there a topic you would like us to discuss? Register now to pre-submit a question prior to the event!
