Roundup: Employer resources on remote working rights, trends
February 4, 2025
Remote working has become more of a permanent feature of the workplace for many employees and employers around the world — driven by measures introduced in many countries to address the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Remote working poses challenges and considerations for employers when devising or adjusting their policies — these include defining remote work and eligibility criteria, hybrid working arrangements, employee engagement, performance, cybersecurity, health and safety, the right to disconnect, employees who want to relocate to a different country or state, and returning remote workers to the workplace post-pandemic. Recently, several jurisdictions have introduced remote-working legislative measures for after the pandemic that clarify employer and employee requirements, and others are expected to follow suit.
To help employers consider the issues connected with remote working, this roundup provides links to general information about ongoing remote-working rights and trends in some countries sourced from Marsh & McLennan, organizations, government websites, third-party resources and news articles. Content in each section is organized in reverse chronological order. Information specific to working remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic is available in our Roundup: Coronavirus (COVID-19) updated resources for employers.
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