Russia: foreign employees must have measles immunization by end of 2019 

11 April 2019
Foreign employees working in Russia must be vaccinated against measles by 31 Dec 2019, the government has announced (Russian). Employees refusing vaccination must tell their employees this in writing, and they will be suspended if they work in sectors where immunization is mandatory (Russian) — these are sectors at high risk of infectious disease and include construction, agriculture, healthcare and education activities. 

Vaccination is required if the employee has not had measles, has not be vaccinated or cannot find his or her vaccination certificate. Employers must notify their employees of the requirement to be vaccinated, obtain certified vaccination documents from their employees and keep written records of vaccinations. Employers not in compliance could be fined up to RUB 20,000, and their business could be suspended for up to 90 days. In 2018, Russia reportedly experienced a 13-fold increase in cases of measles.

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