Future skills and future jobs 

Black mother holding waist of daughter wearing roller skates

Access our two business-focused reports, and discover the skills of future that companies expect to be most important to them over the next three years as well as the most compelling jobs in future.

Future skills survey report

Discover what skills companies expect to be most important to them over the next three years.

As the “Great Resignation” continues in full force, and organizations everywhere struggle to recruit and retain the talent they need, it’s critical that companies understand which skills will deliver the greatest commercial value over both the short and long term. Understanding which skills will drive your organization forward can help you select the right talent — it will also enable you to develop skills in your current workforce in a targeted and effective way.

Many businesses are currently facing significant disruption as they transform themselves to face the new challenges ahead. These changes are often driven by technology and digitalization. As a result, employers are placing a premium on nontechnical skills, such as collaboration and people development. However, many employers are not confident in their ability to develop the skills they value most highly.

In Mercer’s Future Skills Survey Report, you’ll gain broad market knowledge that will help you make informed decisions around skills assessment, career development and workforce transformation.

  • Growth mindset and adaptability
  • Skills related to people development
  • Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
Nearly 200 companies from various industries participated in Mercer’s Future Skills Survey, conducted in partnership with Crunchr. Skills were assessed across a range of categories, including technological, innovative, commercial, personality and collaborative.

The report provides detailed information on the following:

  • The skills participating companies value the most
  • The skills organizations expect to be the most important over the next three years
  • How confident companies are that they will be able to meet their skill needs over the next three years
  • Employer perspectives on skills that are susceptible to automation

Future jobs survey report

Discover which jobs companies expect to be most important to them over the next three years, and get detailed information on how work is expected to change for each job family.

More than 100 companies across a wide range of industries participated in Mercer’s Future Jobs Survey, conducted in partnership with Crunchr. The research assessed jobs under various categories, including commercial, corporate, administration, data and technology.

The survey found that jobs related to data and technology are expected to be a crucial focus for businesses over the next three years.

The survey report highlights the jobs businesses think will be most important and those for which they believe they will have the greatest difficulty recruiting over the next three years. It also identifies those jobs that are evolving at the fastest pace and those at the highest risk of being impacted by automation.

Most important roles over the next three years

  • Business Intelligence & Data Analysis
  • Data Analytics
  • Data Science & Big Data Mining

Based on our survey findings, the Future Jobs Survey Report provides information on the following:

  • The job categories companies value most
  • The roles employers expect to be most — and least — in demand over the next three years
  • How confident companies are that they will meet their expected needs over the next three years through workforce planning
  • Work and workforce transformation expectations across job families
  • The job families evolving most rapidly and those that are at greatest risk of being automated
  • Roles that may need to be recruited externally due to limited in-house talent pools 

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