Get iNGAGED - the single source for employer to employee communications

Uncomplicate the benefits process by getting iNGAGED—a simple, yet innovative, employer to employee communications app. iNGAGED is an employer branded, easy-to-set-up mobile app that puts employee benefits into the palm of their hands. Have any questions? Mercer’s team of consultants are there every step of the way.

Open the lines of communication for your business with our innovative app.

  • All-in-one app
    Provide access to all your benefits communication in one place
  • Stay connected
    Simplify the way you communicate with your employees
  • Accessible anywhere anytime
    Access your employer communications from any mobile device

There are many benefits of getting iNGAGED

    iNGAGED Benchmark Report

    Mercer has an average app user population of 1,533¹ with the highest population count being 16,473.

    App download rate

    All iNGAGED apps fall into the Business category within the Google Play and Apple app stores.

    US App Store²

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    Mercer Clients

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    Live apps by tier

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    Average app page views (all time)

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    Average Mercer client population size


    Average Mercer client page views


    Average Mercer client download rate 

    This technology will revolutionize the way we communicate to our partners. It will enable our partners to have [our company] information in the palm of their hands wherever they may be. This is really exciting!

    Chief People Officer/Legal

    We have a small benefits team for 12,000 employees. We need this platform to help us communicate better and make life easier.
    Director of Benefits
    Best program implementation in 5 years! We thought this was for benefits and it's so much more!
    Executive Director

    Employee/Community Relations