Mercer Beacon Comply

Helping you maintain employer benefits program compliance.

Customized insights for you

Mercer Beacon Comply offers customized benefits law and policy information based on your employee population. 

Employer Challenges

  • Ever-changing laws and policies

    Employers struggle to stay up-to-date with the ever-changing landscape of laws and regulation surrounding benefits.
  • Identifying possible risks

    Employers with population across multiple states have a higher chance of missing regulation changes, subjecting themselves to risk in a fragmented system. 
  • Staying employee-focused

    The sheer volume of state-impacted benefits regulations  disrupt the daily operation of human resource management, shifting the focus away from employees.
  • Make informed decisions

    Substantial financial and administrative implications that arise from statutory benefit laws may be overlooked in the benefits program.

How Beacon Comply can help

Utilizing Beacon Comply, we can examine your population by state to review a list of potential statutory leave laws and policies that you need to be aware of to further explore with Mercer Guide and your counsel – allowing you to take a proactive and efficient approach to statutory compliance matters within your health and benefits plans.

  • View personalized benefits law information
  • Get alerts of statutory law changes
  • Analyze law and policy impacts of location changes

Simplify Compliance with Beacon Comply

Customized insights for you

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