Paul Kolevsohn
Head of North American Real Estate
Property assets have the potential to generate higher returns than fixed income assets with lower volatility than equities. There are a wide variety of vehicles and strategies to choose from when constructing your real estate portfolio. We can help you select an appropriate strategy based on your risk tolerance and investment objectives.
Typically long-term, real-estate investments have holding periods that vary according to region, strategy and asset manager. Fundraising and capital deployment, like other private markets asset classes, can take months or even years as asset managers identify and assess appropriate opportunities.
For some real estate investments, you need to have capital available to deploy as opportunities arise. However, some private real estate funds (typically core-style investments) offer access to an existing pool of real estate opportunities that can be invested in within a few months. You should consider diversifying across vintage years for higher risk real estate investments as well as across managers, strategies and geographies.
Investing in real-estate means you are participating directly in the real economy. Whether you’re allocating to offices, industrial buildings, residential property, or alternative types of real estate such as data centers, you’re having a direct impact on local communities and businesses. These assets have tangible environmental and social impacts that should be considered as part of your investment strategy.
Our real-estate team works in partnership with our dedicated sustainable investment and infrastructure teams, conducting assessments and sharing the latest research to help ensure you have a full picture of the impact of your allocations.
There are many approaches to real-estate investing, with the various strategies offering a wide range of expected returns. This is mainly due to the variation in implied risk of the underlying real estate. The fund structure in which strategies are offered can also make a difference.
Most lower-risk real-estate funds are what we call semi-liquid, provided in perpetual, open-ended fund structures targeting returns driven primarily by income. Value-add and opportunities real-estate, often referred to as private equity real-estate, is on par with other private market solutions. This strategy focuses on value creation in closed-ended structures.
The first step in real-estate investing is understanding your risk appetite and approach. You should also decide whether you want to take a global, regional or local approach.
We can help you select what we believe to be the best managers and strategies for satisfying your risk appetite and return targets.
The difference in investment return profiles among various funds can be significant. You should understand the fund’s investment strategies and how each manager approaches underwriting and asset sourcing. By looking at the track records of existing and previous investments, you can determine the strength and depth of a fund’s team and platform. The manager you select should be aligned with your vision.
Real-estate investing is a unique asset class, so make sure the managers you choose have sufficient expertise and operational resources to execute their strategies.
Our global manager research team has a long history of identifying quality real-estate asset managers. We keep a firm pulse on the real estate industry, ensuring you have the most up-to-date information on managers, strategies and markets.
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