David Scopelliti
Global Head of Private Debt
Investors may look to private debt for resilience, diversification and to pursue better returns. Investing in private debt could give your portfolio access to alternative sources of higher yield and flexibility to invest in the global real economy. Private debt investments may also be an effective way of diversifying away from listed bonds and growth assets.
Private debt loans are typically floating rate. They offer investors some protection from inflation eating away at their returns, especially compared to fixed-rate bonds, which lose value in a higher-inflation or rising–interest-rate environment. In a deflationary period, with a decline in interest rates, rate floors in private debt deals can also help soften the impact of rate declines.
Private debt is an extremely broad and versatile asset class, offering a variety of approaches. That's why, when establishing a portfolio, you need to know which styles and strategies will best suit your needs.
Your investment objectives and existing holdings will shape how you approach private debt and which sub-categories you select. We use our global reach and sophisticated tools to select high-quality managers and build portfolios to match your desired risk and return profile.
Two important factors for private debt investing:
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