Non-profit healthcare investment consulting: Building your dynamic plan

We focus on your investment strategy so you can focus on your patients.

Investment solutions for healthcare organizations

Mercer works with you to achieve your investment goals so you can achieve your mission.

As a non-profit healthcare organization, you face many complex challenges:

  • Rising costs
  • Evolving technology
  • Changing tax laws
  • Budget constraints

It can be difficult to fulfill your mission. However, delivering care to the people who need it most is of the utmost importance, and we’re committed to helping you succeed.

We believe the current healthcare environment demands a dynamic investing approach. That’s why we work closely with you to create sound investment strategies aimed at helping you meet your operational and asset goals, helps ensure adequate liquidity, integrate assets and liabilities, manage your capital fundraising proceeds, and attain sustainable growth.

Survey of Healthcare Asset Owners

Mercer’s annual survey of healthcare asset owners provides valuable data and observations on asset allocation, performance, governance, and market/industry concerns.

Healthcare investment consulting tailored to your needs

Discover customizable investment management for healthcare systems. Our solutions feature:
  • A team you can rely on. 
    Our healthcare investment consultants understand the ins-and-outs of the U.S. healthcare industry. By advising on client assets ranging from $100 million to several billion dollars, our team works daily with governing committees and managers — functioning as your dedicated investment team.
  • Services that want to help advance your mission.
    From investment solutions for hospitals to healthcare investment research to implementation assistance, Mercer offers a full suite of healthcare investment consulting services designed for healthcare organizations. We invite you to explore all that we have to offer. 
  • Analysis that seek to help drive better decision-making.
    We may help you efficiently allocate capital resources and make asset allocation decisions. Our Comprehensive Analysis of Risk Exposures, or CARE philosophy, helps you expand your focus from individual pools of capital to a broader, holistic enterprise view. Aiming to deliver results in terms of both risks and return and key financial metrics such as planned expenditures, bond covenants, and pension-funded status volatility, it’s designed to help you make smarter financial decisions.

Connect with our healthcare investment consulting team

No matter your portfolio type, we can customize a plan specific to your needs.

Getting started is simple. Set up a consultation to receive more information.

Portfolio types and the key risks healthcare clients can face

  • Operating Pool

    • Key metrics
    • Bond covenants
    • Credit rating
  • Foundation

    • Intergenerational equity
    • Meeting goal returns
    • Preserving corpus and purchasing power
  • Defined Benefit Pension Plan

    • Funded status volatility
    • Balance sheet volatility
    • Regulatory risk
  • Defined Contribution Plan

    • Ligation risk
    • Regulatory risk
  • Self-insurance

    • Asset/liability mismatch
    • Unexpected claims

Healthcare insights

Stay informed with our latest news, insights, and investment ideas for healthcare organizations.

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