Large Asset Owner Barometer 2024 

We share how some of the world’s largest asset owners are allocating capital and managing risk

Mercer’s 2024 Large Asset Owner Barometer seeks to advance discussion and collaboration around the asset allocation decisions, risk management and governance practices of large asset owners.

At a time of significant uncertainty in global markets and in the face of systemic risks — a tightening monetary backdrop and increased focus on climate transition among them — this study convenes the views of 61 large asset owners1, with over $2 trillion in assets under ownership, to share important insights and key learnings based on their current positioning, plans and principal concerns around three key areas of focus. We outline the three areas and key findings from the survey below.

Large Asset Owner Barometer report 2024

Asset owners with over $2 trillion in assets under ownership share insights on their current positioning, plans and principal concerns on three key areas of focus.
The vast majority of large asset owners already have significant private markets holdings and, in the next 12 months, 39% are planning to increase their allocation to private credit and 30% to private equity.
David Scopelliti

Global Head of Private Credit

Insights based on key investment themes

  • Portfolio resistance and managing risk

    All consider their portfolios to be resilient in the face of various market risks over both the coming 12 months and the next three to five years and most have taken proactive steps in the past year to protect portfolios from inflation and liquidity risks.
  • Diversifying through private markets

    Most plan to significantly increase allocations to private debt, private equity and infrastructure to help diversify portfolios. There is however concern around US equities, UK equities and real estate, with some pensions looking to move out of this asset class in attempt to de-risk.
  • A path towards sustainable investment 

    Many are set to increase allocation to sustainable investment strategies significantly. However, of those who currently have sustainable investment goals, only about half have set transition targets and even less are implementing necessary steps to meet them.
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion considerations

    Most do not have diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) investment targets, however, investors with over $20 billion, who tend to be early adopters and trend setters, are looking into it, which means rigorous benchmarking of DEI could become a growing area of focus.
  • Managing middle-office risks

    Many see middle-office risks as fairly significant, including governance, operations, talent and regulation. However, few have taken necessary steps to have their investment performance and capabilities independently and externally assessed.
  • Outsourcing to investment partners

    Many prefer to outsource their investment capabilities over managing portfolios in-house, especially within complex and resource-intensive asset classes, given resource constraints and a lack of talent and skillsets required to manage these investments.

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