France offers paid caregiver leave, will expand paid paternity leave

France now offers paid leave benefits to caregivers and next year will increase paid paternity leave benefits.
Paid caregiver leave available now
Effective 1 Oct 2020, employees and self-employed persons in France can take up to three months of paid caregiver leave to care for a relative or a close friend (eligibility rules apply). For individuals needing extended or multiple periods of caregiver leave, the total cannot exceed one year over the course of their careers.
Employees taking the leave will receive a daily allowance of EUR 52.08 if they are single and EUR 43.83 if they live as a couple. The benefits will be paid through the family allowance and mutual social agricultural funds. Payment rules are similar to those applicable to leave to care for a sick child.
France has required unpaid caregiver leave since 2017.
Paternity leave to increase
The maximum duration of paid paternity leave in France will increase from 14 to 28 days starting 1 Jul 2021, under measures included in the 2021 social security financing bill. Fathers will have to take at least one week off work after the birth of their child.
Related resources
- Caregiver leave announcement (French) (Secretary of State for Persons with Disabilities, 29 Sep 2020)
- Press kit: 2021 social security financing bill (French) (Government, 29 Sep 2020)
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