When businesses hear the term “captive”, they might typically think of insurance lines like property and casualty. In recent years, however, there has been a rising trend for risk and HR managers to explore captive insurance for employee benefits.

Captives can be used as a strategic tool to enhance benefits strategy, gain better control over spend, and align programs with wider sustainability and risk financing strategies.

Join our seminar to hear different perspectives on how you can leverage captives to improve efficiencies and add value across your business functions.
You will hear:

  • A client journey - They will share their experiences with employee benefits captive insurance
  • The S in ESG - how risk managers and benefit specialists can collaborate on captives to support ESG goals
  • The Dutch benefits landscape – using captives to address disability and medical benefits risks

Don’t miss this opportunity to network, learn and share insights with global clients and global consultants. This event has limited capacity so please register today to secure your place!

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