Uncover how organizations are planning for the future by redesigning work and the workplace to create a more human-centric enterprise. Explore Mercer’s latest thought leadership and insights on people strategies.
Discover Mercer’s expertise in workforce and organization transformation, change management consulting, HR transformation, HR digital strategy, and merger and acquisition services.
Mercer’s employee experience insights, solutions and services help organizations understand and enhance the employee experience they offer. We can help you measure…
‘Rewards and recognition’ mean different things to different people and having a counterbalancing organizational perspective is equally important in workforce…
Organizations are prioritizing compliance and transparency in employee mobility due to EU directives. Companies should assess readiness, solidify policies, engage…
Mercer’s strategic workforce planning solutions provide a rational business basis to prioritize, develop and fund the people practices needed to support business…
Mercer’s organization design consulting can help you transition from a traditional multilayered organization to a simple, agile and distributed structure.
Mercer’s employee experience design uses design-thinking principles to define and shape solutions to meet your people’s needs more effectively and to bring out the…
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