Income and life protection solutions as an alternative asset class 

father and son with surfing board
Issue 3, August 2023 I PCS Vision

Ever since central banks across the world began lifting interest rates in 2021, wealth management portfolios with gearing and leverage have faced liquidity challenges and margin calls. These challenges also extend to portfolios in the ultra-high net worth category. In the current environment, how do you access and secure guaranteed liquidity? PCS by Mercer Singapore CEO, Davin Wong*, suggests a solution. 

Read on to find out why life protection solutions like “income plans” (otherwise known as savings plans) might just be an essential alternative asset class, especially during volatility. 

Rising costs and attendant risks 

Rising interest rates and inflation are affecting every part of our lives. Take education. The price for a year at an Ivy League college has been estimated at nearly USD 90,000 for the 2023-2024 academic year. Colleges like Yale, Brown, and Dartmouth have increased their prices by between 4-5%, which is still notably lower than the U.S. inflation rate. 

While the significant price tags include tuition, room, board, and indirect personal costs, it would constitute only one outlay of the high net worth lifestyle. Other costs and considerations include strategic ring-fencing of assets against scammers and claims, securities volatility, increasing loan repayments, medical expenses, change of residence, planning for business succession as well as planning for legacy and philanthropy. 

The many competing financial demands present liquidity risks for high net worth individuals, and together form a compelling reason to include income plans as part of a diverse investment portfolio.


There are six great reasons:
  1. Income plans increase the diversity of any portfolio

    Portfolio diversification is a strong risk mitigation strategy in a volatile environment. Diversification enhances potential returns, promotes stability, and aligns investments with risk tolerance and objectives. 

    As an asset class, life protection solutions, including income plans, are more stable investments when compared to securities investments. Income plans acts as a dependable, relatively low risk counterbalance while increasing the diversity of any portfolio. The diversification is two-fold, firstly, as an addition to the insured individual’s own portfolio and secondly, the policy returns are generated by investments across very broadly asset classes. 

  2. Primary market exclusivity and non-mark-to-market

    The existence of secondary markets in securities means equities and bonds are more vulnerable to capital erosion; prices can fluctuate greatly and unpredictably. 

    Income plans, on the other hand, never have an “over the counter” (OTC) secondary trading market. Not having a secondary market eliminates price instability due to investment sentiments or mark-to-market volatilities. 

    The guaranteed floor of income plans foster stability and encourage its inclusion in long-term investment strategies – both as a reservoir of guaranteed liquidity and an asset of stable cash value. 

  3. Guaranteed annual income – with flexibility 

    Post a tailored accumulation period, income plans are a guaranteed source of annual cash flow. By investing in income plans, clients create a source of regular income/liquidity in addition to the typical income streams of employment, real estate rental, business ventures, and equities dividends etc. Moreover, the dividends can be accumulated with the insurer for occasional non-guaranteed interest (as determined by the insurer) to achieve potentially higher returns in the long run.

    It’s worth highlighting that there is flexibility in the withdrawal of that cash – it can be in a lump sum or instalments, giving you extra control over its accessibility and versatility. 

    Choice is also readily available in premium payments, which can be in lump sum by the client or through private bank funding, clients can otherwise choose from multi-pay options.

  4. Enables legacy creation and continuation

    Legacy is the enduring impact and influence of an individual. It encompasses their achievements, values, and traditions. Legacy – whether as an institutional gift or as inheritance – is an asset that has the potential to shape future generations. As such, it needs to be carefully planned and funded to ensure undisrupted continuity. 

    In many jurisdictions, income plans aren’t included in the probate process (which can take weeks, months or even years) and provide instant and continuous liquidity when clients’ families need it most.

  5. Portability – across geographies and generations

    Income plans offer both geographic and generational portability, making them highly versatile and adaptable across different locations and generations. 

    Geographically, life protection solutions can generally be transferred seamlessly when individuals move or travel to different regions or countries, ensuring uninterrupted coverage. This flexibility enables clients to maintain their financial security and protect their loved ones, irrespective of their location. 

    Some life protection solutions also have generational portability, for example, they can be passed down from one generation to the next (for up to 100 years). This benefit ensures that families can preserve their asset and provide ongoing protection for descendants, creating a lasting financial safety net that transcends time.

  6. Tax efficiency 
    Whilst this particular benefit is jurisdiction dependant, under a number of legislative frameworks, the tax treatment for life protection solutions is different from capital assets and therefore not subject to inheritance taxes. In those jurisdictions, this benefit means assets can be transferred intergenerationally without the risk of capital erosion. 

Choose the right insurance broker to find the right solution - The clear PCS by Mercer platform advantage

We are specialists in tailoring jumbo life protection solutions for the very specific needs of high and ultra-high net worth clients. Our processes and service are best-in-class. We have a proven track record in thorough and efficient underwriting and aftersales service, we also offer complimentary solutions reviews for all existing and prospective clients. 

PCS by Mercer China is the only international broker that is fully licensed to service mainland Chinese clients. For more information on the benefits of using PCS by Mercer in China.

PCS by Mercer Hong Kong also provides Hong Kong-based life protection solutions to high net worth and ultra-high net worth individuals residing in seven markets outside Hong Kong.

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    About the author(s)
    Davin Wong

    joined PCS from VP Bank where he served as an Executive Director. He previously held similar leadership roles in Bank Julius Baer, ANZ, UOB, DBS and HSBC. Davin has over 20 years of wealth management, client advisory and private banking experience in both frontline and leadership roles.

    Davin holds a master’s degree in Advanced Finance and a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Finance from The University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia.

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