Asia Pacific Monitor

Make HR decisions with speed, cost efficiency and flexibility.
Create more value with your HR budget. For a fixed fee, you can get instant access to data, insights, tools and exclusive networking to help you make informed HR decisions.

Why Asia Pacific Monitor?

As your organization reinvents for a new world of work, you need relevant information and actionable insights to help you quickly achieve your HR objectives and business goals. But the lack of reliable market data and standardized methodology across the region can lead to reduced accuracy and confidence in carrying out your HR responsibilities.


With Mercer’s Asia Pacific Monitor, you can:

  • Get the data you need

    Access APAC-focused data you need to know about salary data, market indicators, workforce changes and more.
  • Stay ahead with actionable insights

    Gather the insights you need and learn best practices through Mercer POVs and thought leadership.
  • Be empowered through greater connections

    Join exclusive members-only webinar and Mercer signature events to network and collaborate.
  • Get the most bang for your buck

    Optimise your HR budget with a cost-efficient package that includes data, insights, tools, networking and more!

A snapshot of APM membership offerings

For more details of what APM can offer, please download brochure .

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